Elizabeth Southall's Full Testimonial
I started working out again in October of 2012. I had finished school in December of 2011 and started my first full-time job as an RN in a critical care unit. I was exhausted all the time, and eating terribly, and would keep making excuses to avoid working out and making meals for myself. I was eating out more than 3x per week and it usually was not healthy. I’d go to work a zombie and come out the same way. I felt myself becoming irritable with friends and family and feeling unhappy with my body.
During High School, I was very athletic, playing volleyball competitively 3xper week. I was in the best shape of my life, felt healthy and felt that I looked good. However after University and starting my new career, I came to realize I did not feel happy or healthy. My boyfriend and I had planned to take a trip to Nicaragua for April 2013, and my goal became to get fit enough to feel good in a swimsuit.
I met with my trainer Clarice and was dreading our first meeting because I felt so poorly about myself. At my weigh-in and fitness assessment I felt even worse, realizing how far I’d let myself go. However, Clarice was supportive and inspiring, that I found myself really looking forward to seeing her. We started doing a lot of cardio, and even though it was tough, she would push me and it made me push myself. I started to notice really positive changes in myself around Christmas, when my pants were getting loose and when I saw muscle building. At the same time I met with family and they were very encouraging and supportive of my changes! My boyfriend started going to the gym as well, and we’d meet back at home and discuss how the day went. We also changed our eating habits, which gave me more energy and made me feel better.
In May, we did another weight in and I was shocked and excited about what I had achieved. I was going to work and getting less hours of sleep, but I didn’t feel tired anymore. I felt happy and I got to wear a bikini in Nicaragua and get pictures taken without feeling ashamed. I’m learning to take one day at a time and setting new goals for myself each I go. I’m now shooting for a one arm push-up like my idol, Clarice!
(Side note from trainer: I had continued to train Elizabeth for another year and half to get her ready for her wedding. She took a break and had her daugheter and came back after to get majority of her maternity weight off. It has been amazing working with a long term client like Liz!)